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2024-08-30 16:44  



英文名称:College English



英语I 40学时 (读写24学时,视听说16学时),2学分

英语II 40学时 (读写24学时,视听说16学时),2学分



先修课程:英语I: ——————,英语II: 英语I














1. 能运用听力和会话技巧,进行正确的英语交谈,能就学习或与未来工作相关的主题进行正确的阐述;

2. 能运用阅读技巧,借助词典正确地阅读未来工作、生活中常见的应用文和专业资料;能运用写作技巧,用英语正确地描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件或就与未来工作相关的主题;

3. 能运用翻译技巧,借助词典对题材熟悉、结构清晰、语言难度适中的文章进行正确的英汉互译或就与未来工作相关的资料、文本进行正确的英汉互译;

4. 能以英语使用领域为指向,使学生能够运用英语正确地进行专业和学术交流,培养学术和职业素养;

5. 能具有国际视野,了解中外不同的世界观、价值观、思维方式等方面的差异,培养学生的跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力;

6. 通过了解自身语言学习的现状,了解拓展语言知识学习和能力的途径,使学生具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应未来职业发展需求的能力。






Unit 1

Fresh start


Unit 2

Loving   parents, loving children


Unit 3

Heroes of   our time


Unit 4

Social   media matters


Unit 5

Friendship   across border and gender


Unit 6

Winning is not everything








Unit 1

Traces of   the past


Unit 2

A break for   fun


Unit 3

Life   moments


Unit 4

Getting   from A to B


Unit 5

Relax and   explore


Unit 6

Wit and fit


Unit 7

Weird, wild   and wonderful


Unit 8

Money   matters




Unit 1 Fresh Start


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of college life and learn about reading for the key ideas in sentences. (Reading)

2. Recognize and write a paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details. (Writing)

3. Listen for specific information and how to conduct an interview. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Toward a brighter future for all

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: The post-00s looking forward to a colorful life

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Traces of the past


College is a unique mix of freedom and responsibility. It is hard to express how profound a change college represents in the lives of new students: new homes, new lifestyles, new people, and a wealth of new learning opportunities. Facing all of these many changes, you must choose responsibly and wisely. College is a fresh start in your life. You will find your college experience more rewarding if you consider some important questions beforehand: What are your expectations? What does this opportunity offer? How will you make the most of this marvelous opportunity and exciting new experience? How can you prepare yourself to become a useful person to society and the country? What will you do to live up to the expectations for the new era’s great young generation, a generation with ideals, a sense of responsibility, grit, and dedication?

Unit 2 Loving parents, loving children


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of parents-children relationship and learn about reading in thought groups. (Reading)

2. Write a paragraph of problem-solution pattern. (Writing)

3. Identify words expressions for describing people’s appearance and how to describe an event. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: A child’s clutter awaits an adult’s return

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Bonds of love

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: A break for fun


The family is the basic unit of society and our first school where we can learn the core values of life. The relationship between parents and children can be one of the most challenging and yet the most important of all. The child must pass through the many changes of childhood and adolescence before stepping into the role of an adult. Imagine how difficult it can be for your parents to change, too! Changing, learning, and growing, each generation marches through these stages in life and the eternal love between parents and children is ever present. There are moments when the love between parents and children is felt so strongly that time seems to slow down.

Unit 3 Heroes of our time


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of describing heroic actions and learn about scanning in reading. (Reading)

2. Write a paragraph with statistics. (Writing)

3. Listen for short-order signal words and expressions and how to make a radio program on unusual experiences.(Viewing, Listening & Speaking)

4. Ask yourself information questions before listening and how to deal with problems when traveling. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: To feed the world

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Cering Dandar, a grassroots hero

4.Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Life moments

5. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Getting from A to B


The stories of heroes inspire and encourage us. Sometimes, courageous people are called heroes when they achieve great things. Other times, however strong their will is, they fail to achieve their goal. Can they be considered heroes even if their efforts fail?

What makes a hero? Some say heroes have special qualities that ordinary people can never acquire. Some say the main ingredient of a hero is the determination to do what is best and to serve those in need. In fact, those who dedicate their whole life to helping people around the world and those who rush to help people around them in the face of danger can both be called heroes. There are famous heroes, and there are everyday heroes. You too can be one of the ordinary people who do extraordinary things!

Unit 4 Social media matters


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of social media and learn about understanding signal words. (Reading)

2. Write a paragraph of listing. (Writing)

3. Listen for people’s preferences by identifying comparatives and how to present the town / city with your group. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Social media: how much is too much

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Chinese people love their social media apps

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Relax and explore


No doubt, social media has fundamentally changed the way people live. It offers quick access to information, provides a convenient and efficient means of connecting with friends and family, and presents educational opportunities previously unavailable. For many, it is hard to imagine a day without social media. However, social media may also pose challenges, including addiction, depression, and cyberbullying. Parents should watch closely what their children are doing and how much time they spend on social media.

Unit 5 Friendship across gender and border


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of friendship and learn about finding the main idea of a paragraph. (Reading)

2. Write a paragraph of cause and effect. (Writing)

3. Predict a change of thought and how to report survey results. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Gender variables in friendship: Contradiction or not?

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Picture this: Friends forever

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Wit and fit


Confucius said, Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar? Around the world, in every culture, people value and love their friends. People become friends for different reasons a shared childhood, similar hobbies, same beliefs, or a common cause. True friendship can last a lifetime, and it brings us great joy and happiness. For those who share the same beliefs and fight for the same noble cause, friendship means commitment and devotion to their common values and goals. Friendship binds us together regardless of age, gender, race, or nationality.

Unit 6 Winning is not everything


1.Identify and apply the new words and expressions of achievements and failures in sports activities and learn about skimming in reading. (Reading)

2. Write a paragraph of time order. (Writing)

3. Take notes by using numbers, symbols and abbreviations and how to talk about a well-preserved place. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)

4. Organize notes by using a table and how to give presentation about ideas.(Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Cliff Young, an extraordinary runner

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skills

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Lessons China can teach us about fitness

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Weird, wild and wonderful

5. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Money matters


Sports can teach valuable life lessons and create wonderful memories. Learning to keep going even when you are tired, and being humble in victory and generous in defeat are just a few of the valuable lessons sports can teach. As a famous sportswriter said, Its not whether you win or lose. Its how you play the game. Equally important, sports teach people the value of teamwork and cooperation. A good example is the Chinese womens national volleyball team, who have demonstrated the power of united and cooperative efforts. However, it is also important to be cautious. Overemphasis on competitiveness can ruin the joy of sports and have a negative impact on young people.





Unit 1

Language in mission


Unit 2

Exploring college majors


Unit 3

The young generation:making a difference


Unit 4

Mission and   exploration of our time


Unit 5

Striving   for financial health


Unit 6

Less is more








Unit 1

Life is a learning curve


Unit 2

Journey into the unknown


Unit 3

Time out


Unit 4

Life under   the spotlight


Unit 5

 Urban pulse


Unit 6

Climbing   the career ladder


Unit 7

Time of   technology: A blessing or a curse?


Unit 8

Discovering   your true identity




Unit 1 Language in mission


4. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of language in mission and learn about previewing. (Reading)

5. Write from paragraph to essay. (Writing)

6. Listen for signal words for listing and give and respond to advice. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


5. Reading and Writing: Text A: An impressive English lesson

6. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

7. Reading and Writing: Text C: What challenges learners of Chinese?

8. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Life is a learning curve


English is a useful tool in communication, especially at the moment when China is deepening its reform and opening up. It can be used to better tell Chinas stories and make Chinas voice heard. But learning English is never easy. Sometimes, the detailed work of understanding grammar and building vocabulary can be too overwhelming. Nevertheless, learning can happen dramatically with different strategies.

Unit 2 Exploring college majors


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of college majors and learn about reading for major details. (Reading)

2. Write a narrative essay. (Writing)

3. Understand the problem-solution pattern and give directions. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: The road to my major

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: From a security guard to a university teacher

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Journey into the unknown


There are no fixed criteria for choosing a major. Some choose their favorite major based on their personal interests, and some choose the most unpopular discipline for the needs of the country. In short, interests, abilities, needs, ambitions, etc. may all affect your decision about choosing a major.

Unit 3 The young generation: making a difference


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of the young generation and learn about predicting the author’s ideas. (Reading)

2. Write an example essay. (Writing)

3. Listen for information about plans and manage phone problems. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)

4. Understand cause and effect and make requests and offers. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: The young generation — the future of China

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Aiming to bring agriculture online

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Time out

5. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Life under the spotlight


A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive.The young people in China today are technologically talented and love to team up to get things done; they are innovative and like to challenge themselves; they think big but in the meantime are down to earth; they are eager to share ideas and want to have their voice heard. Sometimes they are criticized but such criticism is not always justified. If you have noticed a trend in the way young people perform at work, youll be extremely impressed. To tap into their talents, therefore, requires more understanding of their value system.

Unit 4 Mission and exploration of our time


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of exploration of our time and learn about understanding figurative language. (Reading)

2. Write a comparison/contrast essay. (Writing)

3. Understand pros and cons and make and respond to complaints. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Huang Danian, a strategic scientist

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: The May Fourth spirit alive in China

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Urban pulse


Patriotism can be manifested in the years of war or in the years of peace. In todays reform and opening up, our country still needs patriotism to realize the Chinese Dream. One of the exemplifiers of patriotism is the late scientist and geophysicist Huang Danian, whose expertise in deep earth exploration technology has helped China take the lead in a number of technical fields. His patriotic deeds and deep affection for the motherland have made him a role model for everyone, especially for the young, who may be experiencing odyssey years a life stage of confusion and self-discovery. The young generation can draw inspiration from Huangs patriotism, professional dedication, and noble spirit to shoulder the mission of realizing national rejuvenation.

Unit 5 Striving for financial health


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of financial health and learn about understanding denotation and connotation. (Reading)

2. Write a comparison/contrast essay. (Writing)

3. Listen for examples and express likes or dislikes. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Text A: Spend or save — The student’s dilemma

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: Project Hope

4. Viewing,Listening &Speaking: Climbing the career ladder


Todays society is full of tempting commercial advertisements to persuade us to buy various products. Their real motive is to create a powerful desire for something we may or may not actually need. Meanwhile, there is another message that advises us to save money for the future. So it can be confusing and difficult for us to make sensible decisions on whether to save or spend. The harmful consequences of excessively spending and borrowing money are obvious, especially for college students. The good news is that some financial services institutions, besides offering loans and credit cards, also provide us with basic knowledge of finances. When we can take control of our money, we can take control of our life, too.

Unit 6 Less is more


1. Identify and apply the new words and expressions of choices and weakness of human beings and learn about reading between the lines. (Reading)

2. Write a cause-and-effect essay. (Writing)

3. Listen for agreement and disagreement and express essentiality. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)

4. Take notes in a T-chart and introduce an opinion. (Viewing, Listening & Speaking)


1. Reading and Writing: Text A: Door closer, are you?

2. Reading and Writing: Text B: Reading skill

3. Reading and Writing: Text C: A boom in shopping malls

4. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Time of technology: A blessing or a curse?

5. Viewing, Listening & Speaking: Discovering your true identity


Is more always better than less? Can we make right decisions when surrounded by an abundance of options brought by our modern life? Can we still hold the noble spirit of being indifferent to wealth when facing materialistic temptations? These are good questions for college students to explore. Repeated messages all around us say, This choice is good. But wait! This next choice might be even better! However, the interesting thing is that when there are too many choices and too much wealth in life, people usually feel less happy and more depressed. This kind of situation is not uncommon and can be noticed everywhere, and in the end nothing seems good enough.


1. 郑树棠.新视野大学英语读写教程:第四版:思政智慧版.1[M].20233月第1.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2023.


3.郑树棠.新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程:思政智慧版.1[M].20214月第1. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2021.

4.郑树棠.新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程:思政智慧版.2[M].20214月第1. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2021.







